Promoter of Science and Welfare

Over the centuries, the Princes of Liechtenstein have been pioneers, researchers or diplomats and have always been active as patrons. In this tradition, the current members of the Princely House are also involved in numerous institutions and facilities at home and abroad.

Das Exekutivkomitee des LRK (v.l.n.r.): Prinz Nikolaus von Liechtenstein, Dr. Markus Risch, Remo Mairhofer, Caroline Voigt, Martin Gstoehl, Erbprinzessin Sophie von Liechtenstein, Dr. Mathias Hemmerle, Dr. Thomas Frick, Nils Berger

In focus: Science

The Liechtenstein Institute for Self-Determination

The Liechtenstein Institute for Self-Determination (USD) at Princeton University in the USA supports teaching and research on the self-determination of states in a globalised world.

Das Foto zeigt S.D. den Erbprinzen und den 4. Präsident der Mongolei, Herrn Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, welcher am 14. Januar 2014 auf Schloss Vaduz empfangen wurde.

Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance

The Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance (LFSG) in Vaduz provides decision-makers with political, economic and financial expertise for good governance.

In focus: Welfare

Das Rote Kreuz in Liechtenstein

The Red Cross in Liechtenstein

The Liechtenstein Red Cross (LRK) was founded in 1945 on the initiative of Princess Gina. After Princess Gina and Princess Marie-Aglaë (1985-2015), Hereditary Princess Sophie is now the third President.

The Curative Education Centre of the Principality of Liechtenstein

The Curative Education Centre (Heilpädagogisches Zentrum HPZ) of the Principality of Liechtenstein was founded by Princess Gina in 1967, followed by Princess Marie as president in 1983, who resigned in 2005 and took over the patronage until her death. Since September 2022, Hereditary Princess Sophie has held this office.

Sophie von Liechtenstein Stiftung für Frau und Kind

Sophie von Liechtenstein Foundation for Woman and Child

The "Sophie von Liechtenstein Foundation for Woman and Child" pursues the goal of enabling unintentionally pregnant women to have a positive outlook on life for mother and child. The counselling centre "" is supported by the foundation.

LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation

The LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation pursues the goal of improving the quality of life of disadvantaged people and opening up positive future prospects for them.

The Princely House has always been actively involved in many areas of society. Such pioneering achievements and other commitments of the Princely House are documented in the biographies of the Reigning Princes and Princesses.